Transport Topic Group
After our initial meetings, the Transport Topic Group agreed common interests and priorities centred around campaigning for modal shift towards more cycling and active travel, effective and integrated public transport, and against the addition of new roads as a default approach. There is a developing page of 'Interesting Stuff' on each of these themes, as well as general transport related content, all linked below.
For the group's latest news, shared information, previous meeting notes and next meeting sign-up, please see further down... and please do join us if you are interested!
Transport - Cycling
Interesting and useful stuff we collect on cycling will be arranged under these headings:
Government guidance, policies, announcements etc.
Wiltshire Council documents and links
Swindon materials
Sustrans, Cycling UK and other organisations
Click Here to go to the Cycling page
Transport - Roads
Interesting and useful stuff on campaigns about road schemes will be under these headings:
Government guidance, policies, announcements etc.
Wiltshire, Swindon and SWLEP documents and links
A303 at Stonehenge
Other campaigns and organisations
Click Here to go to the Roads page
Transport - Public Transport
Interesting and useful stuff we collect on public transport will be arranged under these headings:
Click Here to go to the Public Transport page
Group News
The Transport Topic Group felt that Wiltshire's emerging local plan content, (both for local areas, and overall 'Local Transport Review' linked here), reflect a Council not planning in line with the CEE, and to support its net zero emissions by 2030 aim, which will require modal shift away from private car use.
We're grateful to Margaret W and Andrew N for putting together this response which formed part of the unified consultation response submitted by WCA.
Group Resources
Transport Topic Group Contacts Database
Our Transport Topic Group database is a work in progress: suggestions and corrections welcome: please email transport@wiltshireclimatealliance.org.uk .
It so far contains transport-related leads, decision-makers and officers at SWLEP, The Western Gateway Sub-National Transport Body, and Wiltshire Council.
It also contains a list of the CATGs (Community Area Transport Groups) and who seems to attend them.
Bike Shops in and around Wiltshire
This is a list of bike shops in and around Wiltshire with websites, contact details and notes on e-bikes etc. Update suggestions welcome: please email transport@wiltshireclimatealliance.org.uk .
Group Meetings
Our next Transport topic group zoom meeting is Thursday 23rd February 2023 at 7pm. (We aim to open zoom at 6:45pm to welcome new members and settle in.)
Introductions [regulars and workshop attendees]
Active Travel
Any other
Report back from the Members AwayDay
Roundtable discussion of the key Awayday action ideas:
WCA to become valued 'expert stakeholder'
Engage with transport questions on planning applications
Public facing influence campaign
- Transport Citizens Assembly
- Date of next meeting 23 March - or any extra subgroups in between?
Any Other Business
You can contact the topic group at transport@wiltshireclimatealliance.org.uk .
Please register below for joining details and updates. All welcome!
For November 2021 main items were:
- Establishing a Wiltshire Active Travel Forum - Sonia Kundu from Somerset RailtoTrail contributing
- Discussion of Sustrans approach to developing cycle routes - Sustrans county rep invited
- Updates on previous actions and other issues, including Melksham bypass
More details on this November agenda.
November 2022:
- Roads reports (A350, corridor alliance)
- Active Travel reports (Atkins LCWIP, Wilts cycle network, etc)
- Follow-ups: Wilts Council correspondence
- Further action
AUGUST AGENDA for reference
1. Active Travel:
WC Consultations on LCWIPs (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans
Chippenham, Devizes and Trowbridge map-based consultations ended 1 August but work is ongoing and input should still be possible
Salisbury and Wiltshire-wide LCWIPs:
The consultation for the following documents is now open until 16 September 2022. They have problems.
Wiltshire draft LCWIP
Active Travel Infrastructure Design Standards
Active Travel parking standards
Salisbury LCWIP summary
Salisbury draft LCWIP
Council Active Travel self-assessment feedback to Active Travel England (ATE). WC may earn a low score.
We have a brief chance to send independent reports to ATE.
Possible threat to road schemes funding if WC's AT score is too low!
Swindon and Wilts Active Travel Forum (rural greenways)
Update (if any) from Andrew/Margaret.
Bike Food Waste Collection project update
Pilot towns needed for 2023.
2. Roads:
Newly formed A350 Alliance and 19/08/22 meeting with Corridor Alliance
M4-South Coast Study team meeting with AN, KMcC, &JR 23/08/22
Update on Future Chippenham legal challenge etc.
Update on Stonehenge A303
Lobbying proposals re SWLEP and Western Gateway
3. Any Other Business:
Public Transport updates?