Interesting Stuff - Businesses
This page is all about businesses in Wiltshire. What funding or resources are available to support their sustainability journey and what we can do to help.
If you are a business in Wiltshire, reach out to us for your suggestions of what content you'd like to see or what might help you!

When Net Zero means Not Net Zero
Hi. Have you ever wondered if companies’ net-zero targets hold water? It seems many may not. An authoritative analysis this week found that the climate goals set by 25 of the world’s biggest firms, including Amazon, IKEA and Volkswagen Group, can’t be taken at face value.
The report by NewClimate Institute , a Germany-based non-profit, compared the firms’ pledges with their actions and found they will, on average, cut their emissions by 40 per cent rather than the 100 per cent you’d expect. (Our explainer here unpacks how the “net” bit works.)
To read the rest of the article click HERE

We have recently launched our Business Network, a platform for businesses across Wiltshire to collaborate, learn and support one another on their sustainability journeys.
On this site, we will exclusively post resources and content which will help Wiltshire Businesses with their environmental initiatives. We will also work to facilitate collaboration by inviting businesses to share their environmental achievements, current challenges, and future priorities.
With this, we hope we will be providing a platform for Wiltshire businesses to work together towards the 2030 goal of Wiltshire becoming carbon neutral.
Join our Business Network HERE. Follow us on LinkedIn HERE and find out more by emailing tess@wiltshireclimatealliance.org.uk

We are actively looking for businesses in Wiltshire that are doing well to reduce their carbon emissions, or have introduced procedures to limit their impact on the environment.
We would like to showcase this work, in order to raise awareness and support other businesses who may need more guidance on these activities.
If you would like to showcase your achievements, or if you have recently started your sustainability journey and would like to learn more - please reach out to Tess@wiltshireclimatealliance.org.uk
Here is an excellent bit of good news for us all, especially for businesses in Wiltshire. Over £300K of funding is now available to businesses in Wiltshire and Swindon to help them reduce their carbon footprint.
The funding, advice and assistance is being coordinated by Severn Wye. Please click HERE to visit their website
Their flyer can also be downloaded on this LINK.

Bath and West Community Energy are offering free solar panel installations for businesses, schools and community buildings.
BWCE are a not-for-profit community benefit society with the mission of reducing local carbon emissions.
You can check on their website using this LINK whether you would qualify. Then reach out to their team.

If your business is interested in, or is already, supplying into low carbon energy projects, then check out this fully funded programme with Business West HERE. This is delivered by experts and provides one-to-one support.
Business West are a not-for-profit organisation, supporting businesses in the South West to start and grow and lobbying the government on their behalf.