Waste and Recycling Topic Group

The Waste & Recycling Topic Group sprang back into action at its first meeting of 2022, after a less active second half of 2021.
The main discussion throughout the past year has concerned the proposed waste incinerator in Westbury, which was scheduled for decision by Wiltshire Council at their January 2021 meeting. Due in part to our lobbying, they postponed any decision until after the Council elections last May, but then approved it. The final decision now rests with the Secretary of State Michael Gove, and following more extensive lobbying by local residents and the local MP, campaigners are optimistic that Gove will be forced to refer the matter to a new Public Inquiry. Please write to Michael Gove MP at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA, or email via LINK.
We need to continue to oppose this development, as the incinerator will add to climate change emissions and other air pollution. This is not just an issue for Westbury residents, but for the whole of Wiltshire. Both the incinerator itself, and the long-term waste management contract between the company behind it, Hills, and Wiltshire Council, are key to the future of waste in Wiltshire.
​Opposition is still very active in and around Westbury itself, and Westbury Town Council has appealed for contributions from other town and parish councils to fund opposition at the expected Public Inquiry, and in any legal action which may be necessary thereafter. Please check whether your local town or parish council is getting involved, and if not please start putting the pressure on your councillors. A similar incinerator plan in North London is also facing concerted opposition (See HERE for more information) , including from an all-party group of MPs, so there are good reasons for optimism over the eventual result.
Things may also be looking up in regard to food waste. On 7th May 2021 the UK Government unveiled plans to make collection of domestic food waste compulsory for councils by 2023, so Wiltshire councillors may be forced to act. LINK
Our WCA Waste & Recycling Topic Group has not met since the local elections, and needs some fresh energy to give it a new impetus. However, local action continues in and around Westbury (See HERE for more information) and Salisbury Transition City has also set up its own Waste & Recycling group.
Click Here for a copy of the notes taken at previous meetings of the WCA group. Please register below for the future meetings. We will let you know as soon as the topic group is meeting once again.
get in touch if you have any questions! Thanks,