Business Engagement Working Group
The Business Engagement Group’s main objectives are to engage positively with businesses and organisations operating within Wiltshire to:-
1. Increase sustainable best-practice in each sector
2. Reduce damaging climate and environmental impacts
3. Report and highlight both good and bad business practice
We aim to work collaboratively with other stakeholders operating in the business sector, to help address these issues and promote a more rapid transition to a low-carbon Wiltshire.
How well are Wiltshire businesses tackling the Climate Crisis?
In this webinar, Keith Freegard is joined by Cherish Jackson, sustainability manager at local company Good Energy, to present the findings of our research project on carbon reporting in Wiltshire businesses and the challenges and opportunities around managing and reporting company carbon metrics.
Keith's slides are here.
During 2022, we focussed our efforts on objective 3, to gain a much deeper understanding of the way that companies are managing and reporting their environmental emissions created from operating in Wiltshire. We formed a team of volunteer ‘citizen researchers’ and developed an assessment methodology to evaluate the policy, targets and reported mitigation actions across a sample of 50 member-nominated local organisations. The conclusions and recommendations resulting from this research project have recently been published in our report ‘How are Wiltshire Businesses Tackling the
Climate Crisis?’ - [click to download the report].
The main findings from this report are:-
Less than 5% of UK firms are regulated to monitor and report their climate impacts.
Large-scale, consumer-facing brands are most likely to be reporting on their emissions, policies and progress to reduce their climate impacts.
Across Wiltshire, very few Small & Medium-sized firms are doing anything to manage their environmental responsibilities.
Most companies focus only on their Direct carbon emissions ( Scope 1 & 2) with full and complete reporting of Scope 3 emissions being very rare across our study sample group.
Lack of clarity about the scope and boundaries of business emissions, combined with poorly specified targets and opaque performance reporting, raises serious concerns about the claims of many large companies to become truly ‘carbon neutral’ within their defined timeframes.
A summary of the Overall Evaluation scores given by our research team is shown in the graph below ( Note: zero firms scored more than 8).
This year we will:
Use the findings from the research report to communicate with other local stakeholder groups who share responsibility for helping the business community to manage carbon emissions reduction.
Develop collaborative plans to actively support businesses to address their climate emission impacts and to implement appropriate mitigation policies and programs.
If you are interested in joining this group and want to take an active role in supporting our Business Engagement plans, join us using the susbcription form below.
Business owners and managers who want to learn more about the opportunities for reducing their own company’s climate emissions can contact WCA Business Group Lead Keith Freegard email address: keith@wiltshireclimatealliance.org.uk
Salisbury Green Business Awards
Improve the knowledge and understanding of your business about your impact on the environment. Get free practical advice on how to be greener and reduce your carbon footprint.​
Businesses can take part by completing a questionnaire to determine what they are currently doing (or not yet doing) for the environment. Once completed, the business will receive a useful information pack with hints & tips on how to ‘greenify’ their business and if successful receive an award that can be added to branding.
Zero Carbon Business Website
This website covers all aspects of the sustainability for small business managers with a very simple, but logical, structure. Subject menu includes sources of funding & training support; explanations of key
terms; long list of ‘How To’ guides; inspiring case studies and links to events; and more…The ‘sector specific guides’ have been tailor-made for most common types of business and represent
an excellent starting point. We would recommend that you begin your journey here.
WCA Guide to Online Resources
During 2022 the Business Research Team collated a long list of ‘useful’ places to find informative and practical advice about Sustainable Business Management. In February 2023 we collated this set of guides and signposts to useful points of knowledge to assist managers in commercial organisations to find appropriate information that is relevant for their own scale and complexity of operation. The ‘Resources for Business in Wiltshire’ index is available for download