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Sustainable Development Topic Group 

The next meeting is via Zoom on 14th June 2022 at 7:30pm - please RSVP for joining details




With the latest iteration of the Local Plan due to go to Cabinet in October 2022, the Sustainable Development Group will be meeting to catch-up, including a presentation on the Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan with its net zero carbon development planning policy proposal.


Agenda will include:

  • Update on Local Plan timetable

  • Presentation on emerging Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan as an example of sustainable development policies

  • Discussion on Local Plan Engagement


There's a Facebook event you can join and share with your groups here.


Notes of Previous meetings:



Scope: Spatial planning, sustainable settlements, resilient communities, Local Plan policies, housing, infrastructure and connectivity. Planning for homes, including infrastructure, its impact on the environment and the climate.


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Good Homes Alliance - A very useful resource for guidance on environmental building standards 

The Good Homes Alliance is a UK organisation established in 2007 that grew to have over 70 members, including architects, planners, developers, universities, local authorities, urban designers, consultants, building professionals and suppliers whose stated aim is to build and promote sustainable homes and communities and to transform the whole of mainstream UK house building into a sustainable endeavour. It is a not-for-profit community interest company with a board of directors.

Members subscribe to a charter for responsible housebuilding containing seven principles.

The website is well worth a visit on the LINK

Everything about planning (development control) in Wiltshre Council is linked from this page .


Local plan information is under 'planning policy'.

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