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WCA Members Meetings


Next Meeting: Wed 5-Feb-25:  Details TBC


Local COP - We have continued to prepare and we'd like your feedback on our plans to bring businesses and communities along on the carbon reduction journey.


We have a number of goals to enable action, including:

  • Engaging with local businesses and communities to enable sharing best practice to help others better understand what they can achieve

  • committing to actions for net zero in their business or community that will benefit all Wiltshire

  • Organising exhibition space for information, guidance, suppliers and installers

  • Communicating far and wide

  • Forming a county-wide Stakeholder group to organise events and share best practice


Wiltshire Local Plan draft is now with the Inspector.
As part of our response to the consultation on the Plan we put WCA down as wanting to attend the hearing. Now is the time to decide what, if anything we want to support or challenge publicly. We will bring some of the key issues to talk through. See our overview and information from Wiltshire Council .


Local Elections May 2025 - assuming these go ahead as planned and are not delayed a year to coincide with mayoral elections, we will give an overview of what is happening and how people might engage.




Starting at 6pm: Welcome: WCA Introduction and informal chat
A chance to find out more about WCA and ask questions, with one or more of the steering group. New members and friends particularly welcome.


Starting at 7pm: Main Meeting Draft Agenda​


  1. Local Climate Summit, mid 2025

  2. WIltshire Local Plan - update

  3. Wiltshire Local Transport Plan - brief update

  4. Climate And Nature Bill - brief update

  5. Local Elections May 2025

  6. Next Meeting and AOB


There will be breakouts for discussion at appropriate points.​

​We aim to finish by about 9pm, but there will be an opportunity for informal chat after the end. We will aim to have breakout sessions for discussion and to give people a short break.


WCA steering group / speaker contact details are here.


Please register for joining details using the form below. If you are not yet a member of WCA you can use this link to sign up: you are able to join as a group or as an individual.


Register for All Members Meeting

Please try to join early for a prompt start and note:

  • We aim to record the meeting, but can cut out specific bits before sharing if requested

  • Please rename yourself on zoom to include your name and area or any local group representation​


Please publicise the meeting by sharing this page:


and share and invite friends to the Facebook event:


You can contact us by email about the agenda on 


Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

WCA Steering Group

registration form workshop

Previous Meetings


8-Jan-25:  Progress on Local COP; Wilts Local Plan; Wilts Local Transport Plan


Local COP - Over the Xmas break the steering group continued to develop thoughts on what this might look like and this meeting provided feedback on our plans to bring businesses and communities along on the carbon reduction journey. We will have the next update meeting on Fri 17-Jan 6pm: email if you don't have details.


We have a number of goals to enable action, including:

  • Engaging with local businesses and communities to enable sharing best practice to help others better understand what they can achieve

  • committing to actions for net zero in their business or community that will benefit all Wiltshire

  • Organising exhibition space for information, guidance, suppliers and installers

  • Communicating far and wide

  • Forming a county-wide Stakeholder group to organise events and share best practice


Wiltshire Local Plan draft is now with the Inspector.
As part of our response to the consultation on the Plan we put WCA down as wanting to attend the hearing. Now is the time to decide what, if anything we want to support or challenge publicly. See our overview and information from Wiltshire Council .


Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 4 consultation is now underway and ends 27th January, so if you want to respond, time is of the essence. We'll take time to lay out the key issues as we see them in a special meeting on Friday 17-Jan 7pm - email if you don't have details.

The consultation can be found HERE . This important consultation will affect every part of the county and needs a robust response to make sure that the Council has genuinely taken account of the views and needs of the people of Wiltshire.​


Links to Video Chapters:​


  1. Introductions

  2. Local Climate Summit, mid 2025

  3. Feedback from Breakouts on above

  4. WIltshire Local Plan now with Inspector

  5. Wiltshire Local Transport Plan consultation till 27 Jan


4-Dec-24:  Local Groups; Wilts and Swindon COP; etc


​This month we showcased some Wiltshire local climate and nature groups ; talked about Wilts Council transport plan and climate delivery plan; and the proposed Wilts and Swindon COP in mid 2025.​​









Mid 2025 we would like to have another in-person event to allow members to connect and engage with wider stakeholders. Inspired by our Devizes conference in Spring 2022 and the recent Dorset COP we propose an event to engage various stakeholders across the county to discuss decarbonisation plans and hear short presentations from expert speakers. We'd like to discuss this with members and see what shapes up. The event would also include food and a social element in the evening!


6-Nov-24:  Green Open Homes; Wilts and Swindon COP; etc



The Green Open Homes Autumn season is upon us and we’re running a booster session November 9th-17th. We'd still welcome more hosts who are happy to share with people what they’ve done to green up their home (wherever they are on that journey), and we especially need help with local promotion: we have printed flyers and social media posts to share. â€‹And maybe you'd like to visit some homes yourself? We'll be giving an update.


We would also encourage as many people as possible to register with the national Nesta Visit a Heat Pump scheme - we need more in Wiltshire!​​



Next Spring we would like to have another in-person event to allow members to connect and engage with wider stakeholders. Inspired by our Devizes conference in Spring 2022 and the recent Dorset COP we propose an event to engage various stakeholders across the county to discuss decarbonisation plans and hear short presentations from expert speakers. We'd like to discuss this with members and see what shapes up. The event would also include food and a social element in the evening!





  1. Climate And Nature Bill

  2. Green Open Homes 9th-17th November

  3. Feedback from Dorset COP, and ideas for ours

  4. Cargo bikes: success? and how your community could benefit

  5. Local Elections next May: how should WCA address

  6. WC Climate team: their report and plans for 2025

  7. WCA social gathering early 2025: your ideas welcome

  8. Showcasing Wiltshire local climate and nature groups next meeting

  9. Next Meeting and AOB​​​​

2-Oct-24: CAN bill; Green Open Homes; NPPF; Local Plan and LTP4; Wilts and Swindon COP



First, the Climate and Nature Bill is in line for a reboot by Roz Savage, one of our local LibDem MPs, putting it forward as a Private Members Bill.
BUT we need to flood her with requests to make it the one she chooses, as she has several to pick from. Just drop her a line, even if you’re not in her constituency. Brian Mathew or Sarah Gibson can also pass her messages of support. We also need help from our groups to make contact with their MPs. Tony will report here. More detail at​



The Green Open Homes season is upon us and we’re running a session in November. We’re now looking for hosts who are happy to show people what they’ve done to green up their home. â€‹We'll be taking us through the detail of what it entails: see WCA Green Open Homes.


We would also encourage as many people as possible to register with the national Nesta Visit a Heat Pump scheme - we need more in Wiltshire!



The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) response from WCA has been submitted. We wait with bated breath to see the outcome from the many responses they must have received from groups around the country.
We’ll be giving a quick overview of the key points we have raised.



We have 2 major documents coming out from Wiltshire Council in the next week: the Local Transport Plan draft for consultation. and The revision to the Local Plan, after their public consultation in 2023.

We’ll be talking about what we can expect and what processes we need to go through to respond. We’ll drop a link to the updated local plan when we see it: it should appear on this page. The new Local Transport Plan draft should appear here.



Next Spring we would like to have another in-person event to allow members to connect and engage with wider stakeholders. Inspired by our Devizes conference in Spring 2022 and Dorset COP in November we propose an event to engage various stakeholders across the county to discuss decarbonisation plans and hear short presentations from expert speakers. We'd like to discuss this with members and see what shapes up. The event would also include food and a social element in the evening!



AGENDA - click on item to view related video:


1. CAN Bill and MP local engagement
2. Green Open Homes: call for hosts and programme
3. NPPF: key points raised in WCA response.
4. Local Plan: planning for the Inspector
5. Local Transport Plan consultation: key messages
6. Review of WC Climate team update
7. WCA Wiltshire and Swindon COP
8. AOB: Wilts Community Energy share offer
​ :

Sep-24: Parliamentary speaker; October Green Open Homes; Wilts Spring COP etc


This month: a speaker to talk about how MPs work, and discussion on how we will engage; Green Open Homes Autumn booster; and our annual Spring event: WIlts COP proposed.​



The beginning of a new government is the most important time to engage. So we are delighted to welcome Enya Evans, Senior Parliamentary Assistant to Sarah Gibson, MP for Chippenham, to talk about what it's like ​in an MP's office and how to most effectively discuss climate and nature issues and achieve faster action.


It's also party conference season, where at least for some parties it is a good opportunity to join policy meetings with members and meet the MPs who work on the issues.​


Before the meeting, please write to your MP urging them to support the Climate and Nature Bill. MPs have until Tuesday to enter the private members bill ballot. Go to Zero Hour's action page, enter your post code and the site will guide you through the process.



Our WIltshire and Swindon Green Open Homes event which kicked off in March has been very helpful in various ways, thanks to everyone who participated. Our plan is to keep the momentum going with periodic special events, so in October or November we are planning a follow up with a special emphasis on Heat Pumps and Insulation. We would like as many people as possible to join in even if you do not have these measures yet: see WCA Green Open Homes.


We would also encourage as many people as possible to register with the national Nesta Visit a Heat Pump scheme - we need more in Wiltshire!



Next Spring we would like to have another in-person event to allow members to connect and engage with wider stakeholders. Inspired by our Devizes conference in Spring 2022 and Dorset COP we propose an event to engage various stakeholders across the county to discuss decarbonisation plans and hear short presentations from expert speakers. We'd like to discuss this with members and see what shapes up. The event would also include food and a social element in the evening!


Aug 2024: Climate Change Committee report: Planning for Action; plus NPPF, MPs, etc


This month we want to explore ramifications and possible actions we might take on 2 major documents issued by HMG:



The Climate Change Committee (CCC) report (pdf here) on UK progress, or lack of it, on delivering government commitments to net zero provides guidance on action needed both locally and nationally. Summary view here.


A quote from the interim Chair of CCC gives some cause for hope, but it also highlights that the government needs to do more.


“The country’s 2030 emissions reduction target is at risk. The new Government has an opportunity to course-correct, but it will need to be done as a matter of urgency to make up for lost time. They are off to a good start. Action needs to extend beyond electricity, with rapid progress needed on electric cars, heat pumps and tree planting.


“The transition to Net Zero can deliver investment, lower bills, and energy security. It will help the UK keep its place on the world stage. It is a way for this Government to serve both the people of today and the people of tomorrow.”


Professor Piers Forster, interim Chair of the Climate Change Committee.



The recently issued draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) will influence not only how housing will be controlled, but also how renewables literally fit into the landscape. This is now out for consultation, link here.
The full draft pdf is here.


See also this excellent, if a little long, analysis of the draft by Lichfield .





Starting at 6pm: Welcome
WCA Introduction and informal chat
A chance to find out more about WCA and ask questions, with one or more of the steering group. New members and friends particularly welcome.


Starting at 7pm: Main Meeting


  1. Highlights of the CCC report and group discussion

  2. Summary of significant changes to the NPPF and group discussion

  3. MP Engagement

  4. October Green Open Homes event

  5. Local Transport Plan 4

  6. AOB and next meeting


July 2024: Reboot after General Election; Member groups experience and WCA next focus

Post Election reboot:
New Government-new opportunities for climate and nature action.

The last 6 weeks has been a whirlwind of election action (or maybe inaction in your area?). The new Government is out of the starting blocks and making some big statements on climate issues. How do you think this will play out?
Our meeting this month starts with an open debate on how you see this.

1. We’ll spend the first part of the meeting looking at election impacts
The election is over and, hopefully, we have the opportunity now for change that will deliver on carbon reduction and nature recovery.


Have a look at the new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero team. Can we take advantage of their commitments, or are there other actions we might take?

Come and give us your take on the election in your area and your thoughts on your new MP. Are you happy, excited, disappointed? Are you raring to talk to them about their climate ambitions?

2. Next, we’d like to hear from you about your group.
Come tell us what your group is doing, we’d all love to hear.

For example:

  • Successes, failures, good outcomes, work in progress, plans for the future

  • Are there projects you’d like to work with other groups on?

  • How do you see your MP supporting your action?

How can WCA help?
For example:

  • Do you want to hear from someone on a specific subject?

  • Do you want to put on a workshop on climate and need some help?

  • Do you want to run a Green Homes/Retrofit event?

  • Are you looking to help your community with group energy schemes?


Come talk about it with likeminded people.
Bring your thoughts on the big issues we need to tackle.

3. Finally, we want to discuss the “big projects” we’re seeing on the horizon. Do you agree with them or are there other things WCA should be doing?
We welcome thoughts, ideas and suggestions.

  • Engaging communities who aren’t climate aware (CLT, Take the Jump)

  • Warmer Homes (Retrofit-Green Open Homes)

  • Local Plan -next phase

  • Local Transport Plan- consultation

  • Energy: Taking advantage of Labour’s commitment (Mission-UK energy superpower)

  • Wiltshire Council: Election May 2025

They are projects that are, by their nature, impactful county wide. WCA is most productive with these. Recent example, the Election.


June 2024: General Election: Pushing Climate and Nature Up the National Agenda

The next online general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th June 2024, 7-8:30pm via Zoom. There will also be an informal WCA introduction, new members particularly welcome, and a chance to meet some of the steering group at 6pm using the same link.


We need to push all the candidates in Wiltshire to make Climate and Nature a major part of central government action over the next 5 critical years. 


To that end we're calling on all our members and member groups to come together and agree a plan of action to achieve this end. Strong local pressure on candidates in our 8 constituencies to take up this challenge is vital.

We know that many of you are already in action in various ways across the county and in Swindon. It would be great if you come and share those plans so that we can exploit your ideas to their maximum across the county.

The agenda below sets out areas that we think are key, But we need your input to explore and strengthen our plans.

Please join and add your voice. We are running out of time for meaningful change and we must do all we can to instil this urgency into our new MPs.





1 WCA strategy for run up to General Election and after

  • To ensure every MP candidate is aware of the issues around Climate and Nature (CaN) and the strength of feeling and support for addressing these within Wiltshire.

  • To inform the general public about the parties and candidates view of Climate and Nature (CaN) issues and why voting for the candidates best placed to help address these is important.

  • To establish relationships with candidates who are likely to be elected so Climate and Nature (CaN) issues continue to be supported after the election.

2 What is WCA doing?

  • Make Climate and Nature a real issue locally and nationally

  • Ensure every candidate is aware of CaN issues and strength of feeling

  • Co-ordinate candidate contact by members

  • Collate info on all candidates and their parties and put on website

  • Organise or help others organise hustings with focus on Climate and Nature (CaN)

  • Possibly fund events or publicity

Invite comments and suggestions
3 What can Member groups do?
Breakout - What are Member groups doing?
Share and collate feedback
4 What can Individual members do?
Breakout - What are Individual members doing?
Share and collate feedback​

May 2024: Zero Hour, Carbon Literacy, Lime Down Solar Farm and more


1. Zero Hour - Climate and Nature bill - Jamie Russell

We need to get as many organisations and people in each constituency as we can backing the parliamentary bill and then persuade our main general election candidates to back it too. Jamie, grassroots manager from Zero Hour, explained the bill and how we can support it.


The campaign has been launched by wildlife campaigner and broadcaster Chris Packham with the support of over 500 organisations including The Women's Institute, The Cooperative Bank, Ecotricity, CPRE, Oxfam, and more. Short Video with Chris here.

You can support as an individual, organisation or candidate and see what local organisations are already supporting here.


St Ives has a long list of local supporting organisations: have a look for inspiration on approaching them in Wiltshire


2. WCA General Election planning progress and action

A short update on engagement with MPs and candidates for the forthcoming General Election, and how we might use the Zero Hour campaign in this. New constituency boundaries and candidates bring important new opportunities for engagement.


3. Carbon Literacy Workshop - feedback and next steps

Following an interesting all-day workshop based on Carbon Literacy Project training materials and attended by around 25 of us, we need to decide how to progress our aims of cascading carbon literacy to the county.


4. Lime Down Solar Park

This much-needed proposal for a large-scale solar farm in Wiltshire has generated a lot of opposition and a lot of mis-information is circulating. WCA has created a myth-buster document and a general position paper: see WCA news and information here


5. Retrofit Advisor Training
Ten people across the county in WCA and member groups are completing basic retrofit adviser training, and we need to organise ourselves to deliver this advice effectively and consider what else we do with it - such as simple thermal image surveys and draughtproofing assistance.


6. Projects for the year

  • CLT: project development (Chris)

  • Retrofit: next phases (GOH/advisors)

  • GE group: action plan and delivery

  • Energy group restart: community energy of all types

  • Active travel routes: support and develop e.g Warminster-Trowbridge-Westbury (Frome?)

  • EVs: social charging plan

  • Local Plan: next phase -  what is it?

  • Local Transport Plan: consultation

  • Wiltshire Council: engagement team

April 2024: Retrofit; Carbon Literacy


1. Green Open Homes event feedback

Thanks to all this was our biggest event yet, spread across Wiltshire and Swindon. Christian summed up and mentioned plans for the future.


2. Retrofit Training progress

WCA and some local groups applied to CSE for retrofit training, enabling a maximum of 2 people from each to be trained as Community Retrofit Advisors.


WCA, Carbon Friendly Bradford-on-Avon, Swindon Climate Action Network , Salisbury Transition City and Sustainable Warminster were successful.

Bill explained what the training is about, how it will help us spread the word on retrofit and the benefit of the grant that goes with it.


3. Carbon Literacy Training opportunities, with Jen Gale

It has been clear for a while that WCA needs to reach out to Wiltshire communities to help people better understand the impacts of climate change and to discuss what they can do to reduce their carbon footprint.


We are currently thinking of Carbon Literacy Project methodology, with the help of Jen Gale, a leading practitioner who happens to live in Warminster.


Jacky has done a CLP course and explained more. Christian and Bill talked through some ideas on how we can really start to build on that to deliver training and support across the county. This was followed by a wide-ranging discussion on WCA future direction.


4. Election Action update
A short update on engagement with MPs and candidates for the forthcoming General Election. New constituency boundaries and candidates bring important new opportunities for engagement.


March 2024: Green Open Homes, Elections, etc


1. Green Homes
About 50 homes are now on the Wiltshire and Swindon Green Open Homes map. Additional ones are very welcome too so people have a reference nearby.


At â€‹our March 2024 Green Open Homes event we had over 200 visitors, and most homes are still open for booked visits, see for details. We plan to have other promotional events in future.


2. Election Action
We are looking at what is going on in each new Wiltshire constituency, and how we all can help encourage our new local MPs to do all they can for climate and nature.

The coming general election will be crucial in determining whether the UK delivers on its climate targets – in particular a 68% reduction in emissions by 2030 (less than 6 years away).  Emissions reductions are off track, so the new government will have to accelerate the pace of change.  We can play our part by spreading the word, and voting for a candidate and a party in each constituency which gives us the best chance of delivering on the climate. 

WCA, while non-party-political, is keen to work with member groups and other organisations at a Wiltshire constituency level to raise awareness of climate as an election issue – so that we can hold our local candidates and parties to account, and help voters make an informed decision.


3. Other Projects

  • possible sister incorporated entity for WCA

  • Area Board engagement

  • Wiltshire Council consultation survey

  • application to CSE for Retrofit Advisor training

  • Elms for All update on planned planting

  • Local Plan and Local Transport Plan -update



February 2024: AGM and Project Updates

Starting at 7pm: AGM

1. Last year-a reprise
2. Financials
3. Election of Steering Group
4. Agreement on the principal of registering a legal entity for WCA


Starting around 7:30pm: Project Updates


1. Legal Entity flash working group

2. Wiltshire Climate Emergency 5 year anniversary - 20 Feb 2024

3. Wilts/Swindon Green Open Homes, 9-17 Mar 2024

We want to help people discover the potential to save money on energy bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make their homes more sustainable.

For those who have  already been through the process, help us share what you've done to your home. Visits can be in person or remotely via WhatsApp. The choice is yours! More detail HERE


See also our new Home Improvement page - a great summary with lots of links and pointers to good information elsewhere.

4. Election Action Group

5. Other Projects

  • Update on our application to CSE for Retrofit Advisor training

  • Elms for All update on planned planting

  • potential ecargo bikes project for urban food waste collections


January 2024: Green Open Homes; MP and Candidate Engagement

Click section headings to jump to video chapters:


1. Wilts/Swindon Green Open Homes, 8-17 Mar 2024

Update on progress and a call out to all local groups to bring some homes to the party. See also our new Home Improvement page - a great summary with lots of links and pointers to good information elsewhere.


2. Talking to MPs and key Parliamentary Candidates

We intend to discuss in more detail how you and your local group can organise engagement meetings with key individual MPs and candidates, and also how you might prepare for a hustings when a general election is called. See also more detail and slides.


December 2023 - Stourhead Tree Planting; Green Open Homes; Elm Trees in Parishes

Click section headings to jump to video chapters:


1. Tree Planting at Stourhead

Guest speaker: Nick Hoare who runs the Stourhead (Western) forest estate in south-west Wiltshire. He currently has a new project to plant 190,000 new trees (with some mechanical help) and is looking for people to join him! He will also talk about his experience retrofitting heritage properties on the estate.


2. Retrofit and Green Open Homes

Update on our new website resource for energy-saving home retrofit in the Wiltshire area and exciting plans for a Wiltshire and Swindon Green Open Homes event next February - at this stage we are keen to engage with people across the county who can help showcase retrofit measures big and small, either in your own home or by helping in another nearby open home.


3. Elm Tree Planting in Parishes

Update on our project to plant disease-resistant Elms and other trees in the community across Wiltshire - now is the season to plant


November 2023: Wilts Council Climate Action Scorecard; Wilts Council Engagement;
Local Plan Final Consultation; GE Ca
ndidate Lobbying


1. Wiltshire Council Climate Action Scorecard

The fantastic Climate Emergency UK organisation released their analysis of council climate action across the country in October 2023.​


This gives an objective measure of how each council in the UK compares with others, and more importantly gives a detailed breakdown of the scores and the evidence on which they are based.


So for the Wiltshire scorecard , you can scroll down to the table of Questions, click the down arrow on the right next to a section you are interested in, then for each question you can click on the 'how is this marked' button to reveal a link to the actual data used to score the question.


So for example, question 4.9 under Governance and Finance, concerning climate awareness training, reveals that as of February 2023, only 43 managers, including just 17 out of 102 (16%) of senior managers (tiers 1-3), had attended the full 1-day climate awareness training session. Also a couple of 1-hour briefings were provided for cabinet members, committee chairs and other councillors, which was attended by some. Recordings of all sessions were made available to all the intended audience afterwards. However the uptake and tracking of delivery was not sufficient to award a mark for this item.


Please browse the scorecard and see where you'd like to help achieve improvements - then email us at


2. Engagement with Wiltshire Council 

In the past month we've had 2 meetings with Wiltshire Council climate team. Both were positive in terms of engagement. The first was for them to walk us through the Local Plan and give some clarity on process - more in agenda  item 3.


The second meeting was to discuss their 6 monthly update on progress against actions on their Climate Strategy Delivery Plan.
Climate Dashboard HERE; Environment HERE; full report to Council HERE . From this meeting we now have agreement to meet on specific targeted subjects. And, importantly, we need your help to form small teams on those subjects to work with the council as a critical friend.


3. Wiltshire Local Plan Final Consultation

​The final consultation on the Wiltshire Local Plan revision ends Wednesday 22 Nov. We do not want to introduce big delays into adopting the new plan as it is much better than the current one. However a small team has identified some areas which so need improvement, and we need to support the improvements against pressure from big housebuilders to do the minimum necessary.


CSE have provided a helpful analysis of the plan to help us focus, but there are also some other key small changes we would like to see.


We discussed the CSE analysis and discuss how people can help to support the improvements in the plan.


4. Lobbying MPs and candidates

The next general election is looming. â€‹The website Electoral Calculus currently shows Chippenham, Wilts South West and Salisbury seats being quite marginal according to current polling, and overall that a change in government is likely. So now is a key time to be challenging and/or supporting key candidates green efforts or lack of them in all constituencies.


The most effective way is to arrange a meeting with a local group in the constituency, but this needs careful planning. Letters to MPs on particular topics can also be helpful if they are well structured with specific asks and followed up.


We would like to map out what is happening in each constituency and offer help as needed. We are developing a briefing for organising a meeting and providing some suggestions for key topics to discuss.


Climate Action Tracker (the other CAT) has a useful analysis of national policies which needs studying.


Note that constituency boundaries are changing for the next general election. You can find information about your new constituency by postcode or map here. This Wikipedia page has a table of candidates for each seat although it is not very complete yet - can you help complete it?


Public support is also important, and getting endorsement from other groups and articles in local news and social media groups are also very important. Can you help with this?


Please email if you can help.


WCA steering group / speaker contact details are here.


October 2023 - Green Open Homes; See Though Carbon; Tackling our Politicians.


Retrofit and Green Open Homes

Jeremy Wyatt, Great Green Bedwyn, talked about the journey, trials and triumphs of setting up and running a Green Open Homes event in a local community to promote energy efficient retrofit. This is year 2, building on last years successful start. More information on this year's event HERE. (There was also a Dorset event  here.)


See Through Carbon

Robert Stern talked about the large contribution of SMEs to climate change emissions, and the need to address this in a way that worked for small businesses. He is planning a trial in Wiltshire. We are looking forward to hear more about the assessment methodology he will use.


Lobbying MPs and Candidates

The next general election is looming. Parties are setting out their stalls in various national conferences at this very time.  The website Electoral Calculus currently shows Chippenham, Wilts South West and Salisbury seats being quite marginal according to current polling, and overall that a change in government is likely. So now is a key time to be challenging and/or supporting all parties green efforts or lack of them in all constituencies.

Keith and Julian recently attended a Friends of the Earth meeting on the subject, and Julian reported on a recent meeting with a parliamentary candidate.​ Please get in touch via if you can help with this, in your own constituency or by helping with briefings elsewhere.


September 2023: Climate Urgency: What the Science Predicts and What we Really Need to Do

Robbie, now 25, gave a very clear and concise summary of what the science says about our future and the urgency and importance of broad climate awareness and action.


The IPCC report is bad enough, but its recommendations are conservative because it has to get signed off by politicians in all countries. This year's record temperatures are a wake-up call broadly increasing awareness, but how can this translate into the rapid personal and political change needed to avoid the worst impacts predicted? What actions are really needed?


June 2023 - Focus Projects 2023 - reducing greenhouse gas emissions

The steering group was looking at how to better facilitate action projects in all important areas. This meant working out what projects members are keen to take a leadership role in and connect them with other interested parties and sources of funding.


Projects were established on Retrofitting, Tree planting, Energy and developing an Election Wishlist. 

May 2023 - Wilts Council; Comunications; Action Projects

Click the section headings below to jump to the relevant section of the video. Slides available here.


A pre-meeting member presentation from Charlotte Dacre, Ancient Woodlands Inventory Officer at the Wiltshire and Swindon Biological Records Centre, can be viewed here.



  • Andrew updates on latest climate news after the IPCC report: sea temperatures anomaly, willingness to adopt different changes

  • Richard feedback after The Big One rally in London

  • Salisbury Transition City's People in the Park event on Saturday 20th May

  • Mel feedback on Parish Councils action day, 23 March


Wiltshire Council’s Climate Strategy Actions

Bill gave a summary of the progress the Council is making. References:


Communications - engaging the public

Julie on working with Wiltshire Council and creating content that is simpler, results focused and shareable, and involving member groups.


Intro to WCA Focus Projects 2023 - reducing greenhouse gas emissions

How to better facilitate action projects in all important areas. This starts with working out what projects members are keen to take a leadership role in and connect them with other interested parties and sources of funding. It is now planned to make this the focus of the next member meeting.​


Contact details for speakers here.

April 2023 - IPCC/Government; Wilts Review of Businesses; The Big One

Click the section headings below to jump to the relevant section of the video:


  • Overview of latest IPCC AR6 Reports: Andrew. The reports are available on the IPCC site, and there's a detailed summary here from Carbon Brief.

  • Powering Up Britain, the government's latest proposals: Adam reviews the recent Government announcement, “steps to strengthen Britain's long-term energy security and independence to help deliver clean, prosperous future”. See some comments from Science Media Centre and the TUC. Government announcement here.

  • breakout feedback: taking positive action: how individuals, groups and WCA can engage with MPs, councillors (eg via Area Boards) and their local communities.

  • Business Review Report: Major businesses in Wiltshire are responsible for over 50% of emissions in the county - Keith, our business lead, walks us through the outcomes of his review and asks the big question, what next? More detail on this WCA page.

  • discussion following presentation

  • The Big One, London rally for Climate Action, 21-24 April: Bill. This is a rally supported by most of the big UK climate and environment groups, convened by XR in their new role of building mass community engagement: more detail here. Quick WCA survey of when you want to go here.


Contact details for speakers here.

March 2023 - AGM, Workshop feedback and Updates

This was a meeting packed with information - the video is indexed as usual and you can as usual jump direct to the parts that interest you from the links below (and also in the youtube description):



  1. Review of WCA year, with focus on Business engagement, Land Use, Transport and Energy

  2. Priorities for new year

  3. Media/Comms

  4. AGM

  5. Members Workshop Feedback

  6. New Arts Group

  7. Trowbridge Rally Feedback

  8. London rally 21-24 April - a mass event involving many large environmental organisations, details and registration on this xr page


Contact details for speakers here.

January 2023 - New Year Priorities



  1. Workshop and social event for members (Chris) – This will take place on Saturday 4th February in Devizes.  Details and registration here

  2. Anniversary Rally 21st February (Bill) – our plans for the rally and how to get involved.

  3. PR campaigns (Adam/Julie): more details on our media campaigns on solar, onshore wind, and active transport.  These will be launching early in the New Year.

  4. New year resolutions (All) – a very interesting discussion on ideas and priorities for 2023.


contact details for speakers here.

December 2022 - 2023 plans etc



  1. Workshop and social event for members: Plans for a face to face networking and social event for members, on Saturday 4th February in Devizes (Christian). Details and registration here

  2. PLACE project: CSE have selected WCA to join their 'Planning Locally to Address the Climate Emergency' (PLACE) project.  We will be working with CSE to explore how community groups can work more effectively with local councils to build climate emergency action into local plans and planning policies (Adam/Nick)

  3. PR campaigns: Latest thinking on high profile campaigns early in the New Year on key topics including renewable energy, land use, energy efficiency etc. (Adam)

  4. Anniversary Rally: Plans for our annual rally at Wiltshire Council's Full Council meeting on 21st February in Trowbridge, marking the 4th anniversary of the Council acknowledging the climate emergency.  We will discuss plans for the rally and questions to be asked at the Full Council meeting. (Bill, reported by Adam)

  5. Business Engagement project: Update as the project hits a key milestone of having analysed 50 local companies' climate action plans. (Keith)

  6. Climate Emergency UK Council Scorecards (Andrew)


November 2022: Planning WCA Events for 2023! etc



  1. Intro

  2. Members events 2023! - current thinking on three members events for the coming year, including breakout to discuss - Christian

  3. Press and communications - Nick/Adam

  4. National energy policy - Adam

  5. Climate Change at Town/Parish Councils - Cate

  6. Member updates, events and AOB - all



Thinking on 2023 Events:


The WCA was formed to make our members stronger by working and taking action together and the time has now come for us to plan a few events where we can do just that.


The steering group is in the early stages of planning three events and would love you to join us so that we can plan these together.  The three events we are considering are as follows:


  • Workshop for Members – with the main theme being about working together to encourage Wiltshire Council, MPs and the community. We want this to be a useful event for members which will include a social networking evening with live entertainment - January or early February

  • Anniversary Rally and Council Questions – This will be a repeat of our annual rally to mark the anniversary of WC’s acknowledgment of the climate emergency. We will coordinate the asking of questions at the council meeting 21st February 2023 – Full council meeting

  • A Big Open Event! – We are exploring plans for a big Wiltshire conference / festival later in the year. We need your help to develop plans for this, especially younger people who are currently under-represented and a balance of members from all corners of Wiltshire.


October 2022: Our Wonderful Member Groups!


  1. Our Member Groups - short presentations from member groups to learn from each other and share resources. We heard from: Salisbury, Calne, Bradford-on-Avon, Corsham, Melksham, BWCE, Devizes, Chippenham, Wootton Bassett and Swindon.

  2. Topic group and other short updates, including:

    1. Wilts Council delivery plan overview (linked from the WC climate page)

    2. Climate Dominoes report, Keith (slides)

    3. CHEESE in Wilts - low-cost thermal image surveys with follow-up​

    4. Solar Together feedback

    5. Business Engagement topic group - Keith (slides)

    6. Wilts MP engagement - have you seen yours?

    7. Intergroup communication platform - you can join WCA Slack workspace (email, would people also like an opt-in email group for information exchange? or a whatsapp group?




August 2022 meeting: 
Council Action in Wilts and best case studies from around the UK


Cllr Dr Nick Murry gave this presentation on progress in North Wiltshire, showing how town councils, Neighbourhood Planning and community groups can work together on specific climate issues and net zero policies.


Mike Birkin, Friends of the Earth South-West campaigner, gave this presentation on the best case action from other councils from the FoE/Ashden case studies . There are videos from a launch conference held recently with speakers from many local authorities where you can get more insight. This overview video gives a good summary with many references.


July 2022 meeting

Tom Bailey, co-founder of climate campaign Take The Jump and based in Bristol, presented his campaign to accelerate climate action by all actors. It complements energy and fossil fuel campaigns, and campaigns to get government and corporations to act, and recognises that a majority of people want to help but many feel powerless. All actors need to come together and address all aspects of the problem to achieve the rapid change we need. The campaign has well-designed colourful media images and a community toolkit may be ready to share hot off the press.


As Great Big Green Week 24-Sep 2022 approached,  led by The Climate Coalition, we also wanted to share member group plans for this year, which could include launching Take The Jump in their community. Many groups are also doing home energy-efficiency events and open green home weekends. And we need to challenge the government to improve commitments ahead of COP27 when the UK hands over the hosting baton to Egypt for the 'Africa COP'.


Many items for immediate action were included in the Wiltshire Council climate strategy , and we briefly recapped these important items to keep in the spotlight with councillors at area board meetings.


We then had updates from WCA topic groups and campaigns and most importantly from WCA member groups to share their plans.


June 2022 meeting

Main topics:

  • WCA Youth Conference: feedback from our second Youth Conference, where local MPs and councillors were challenged on climate issues by our youth representatives

  • Energy saving: developing ideas for a 'toolkit' to help local groups run events focusing on how local people can save money and reduce their emissions

  • Business Engagement Group - Keith Freegard will give an update on progress engaging with major businesses around Wiltshire, challenging them to reduce their emissions

  • Progress with other Topic Groups, including sustainable development, land use and transport


May 2022 meeting

In this meeting, we discussed:

Energy strategy: further discussion on lobbying local and national politicians to take decisive actions on renewables and energy efficiency - including feedback from recent contacts with local MPs

More detail on the Westbury Incinerator: why the Strategic Planning Committee decided to defer the decision and how we can try to get it rejected at the next meeting
Business Engagement Group - Keith Freegard will give an update on progress engaging with major businesses around Wiltshire, challenging them to reduce their emissions

Progress with other Topic Groups, including our work on energy efficiency and retrofit, sustainable development, land use and transport



6pm - intro to WCA and informal chance to chat to steering group members and chat about climate issues


7pm - main meeting - draft agenda

1) Member catch up and idea sharing breakouts
2) Energy strategy and lobbying approach
3) Westbury Incinerator update
4) Business Engagement update
5) Topic group updates
6) Member group updates and feedback


April 2022 Meeting


The world has changed in the month since our last members' meeting. The Ukraine crisis has dramatically raised the profile of 'energy independence' through renewables and energy efficiency.  Let's work to make sure this finally results in meaningful action at local and national level.
In this meeting, we discussed:

Our latest plans for a Youth Conference - our 2021 conference was a really high profile event and we are hoping for a similar success this year
Our new Business Engagement Group - Keith Freegard will give an update on how we plan to engage with major businesses around Wiltshire and challenge them to act on reducing their emissions - and how members and local member groups can help with this.  

Progress with our work on Green Homes and retrofit, including how local member groups can get involved, and how we intend to collaborate with similar groups to WCA in other counties, and also with the Centre for Sustainable Energy

Ideas for improving collaboration between local member groups, including the use of online collaboration tools.


1) Member catch up and idea sharing breakouts

2) Energy independence
3) Youth conference update
4) Business Engagement update
5) Energy update: green homes/retrofit
6) Member group collaboration - online tools etc
7) Quick fire topic group updates



March 2022 Meeting and AGM


We’re at that time again, our annual review where we’ll be looking back at what’s happened over the past 12 months and also looking forward to plans for 2022.
AGM -Formal Stuff 
As a constituted group we are proposing a number of formal changes to make things work a little better, including some changes to our constitution, as listed in the agenda.

We then need you to re-elect your Steering Group. We would appreciate your help with this.

We put a call out for nominations for the steering group, particularly looking for a more diverse mix including more women and youth members - we will update on this at the meeting.

General Meeting
Topic Groups
After the AGM, we’ll be giving a flavour of how our various WCA Topic Groups have progressed over the past year and where they’re heading in 2022.

We’re also looking at potential working groups to look at the upcoming Local and Transport Plan consultations, an “open green homes” initiative, a youth group meeting with Councillors, and MP engagement.
Member Groups
It’s also a time when our Member groups can give us all a flavour of where they’ve journeyed: always a fascinating insight into community action in the County and wider, and giving an opportunity to
share experience and ideas that others can “borrow” for their local areas.



Meeting Details
Part 1 -AGM
a) Introduction and overview of 2021 
    Bill Jarvis, 2021 Convener
    Eva McHugh, 2021 Secretary
    Christian Lange, 2021 Treasurer

b) Constitution Changes
     1)  Steering Group numbers to be increased to 12. -VOTE
     2)  Existing “Convener” name for WCA lead to be changed to “Chair” -VOTE
     3)  WCA Chair to be a shared role with 2 joint chairs;
          held for a 6 monthly staggered basis -VOTE
     4)  Members to note, interim joint chairs from January 2022
          Bill Jarvis and Adam Walton 

c)  Election of Steering Group members
    1)  Steering group members re-election -VOTE
    2) Joint Chairs March-August 2022 -Adam Walton and Graham Martin -VOTE
   3) Joint Chairs September -November 2022 -Graham Martin and Christian Lange -VOTE
    4) Treasurer – Tess Gorman -VOTE
    5) Secretary -TBA
    6) Youth Co-Ordinator -TBA 

Part 2 General Meeting
1) Topic Groups Updates
2) Comfort Break 
3) Member Group update  
4) AOB



February 2022 Meeting


This one is all about the Council Climate Strategy, where it is, what's been done and what do we do about it.

This month Wiltshire Council Cabinet received the final version of the Climate Strategy along with some background on the key issues that the Council have been working on.

This link takes you to the public reports pack issued to Cabinet.  The section on the Climate Strategy starts at page 451. Please don't get put off by the bulk of the document (apologies we haven't extracted this section!).

It is worth looking through as you quickly get a flavour of what the Council has done and where it intends to go.

The conclusion on the public survey, carried out by the Climate team as a part of the Strategy Consultation,  is extremely encouraging, as long as the Cabinet have the will to listen and make it happen. 
Meeting Focus
So, we'll try to brief you on this, then look at the q&a with Cabinet the day before and also feedback from questions asked directly of Nick Botterill, the Cabinet member charged with responding to the Climate Emergency.

We'll also take a look at a survey carried out by Climate Emergency UK that provides a scorecard of UK Councils Climate Emergency progress. Wiltshire sits no 5 in the rankings!!! 

We'll then run through where we are with planning for the next Full Council meeting on 15th February 

Meeting details 

  1. Wiltshire Council Strategy

    1. Highlights and lowlights of the report to Cabinet and the issued strategy

    2. Feedback from yesterday’s Cabinet meeting

    3. Feedback from questions through Nick Botterill

  2. Breakout  

    1. what questions -to Climate Team/Climate Task group/Cabinet lead on Strategy

    2. what more action should WCA take on Strategy development

  3. Climate Emergency UK County carbon scorecards –

    1. debate on scorecards and

    2.  any actions

  4. 15th February -Full Council Meeting

    1. Update on planning for 15th and Rally

    2. Possible questions in Council Chamber

    3. Plans for the Rally

  5. AGM 2nd March



January 2022 Meeting



  1. Catch up on Climate Strategy progress

  2. Planning for 1st and 15th February

  3. WCA SG review of workshop outcomes

  4. New Year resolutions for WCA and all of us

  5. Topic group meetings January 2022 -plans

  6. Next meetings


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