Interesting Stuff - Transport Infrastructure
This page provides WCA members with a selection of interesting documents that are relevant to transport infrastructure. This could be anything to do with roads, cycleways, footpaths, the way they are maintained etc.
We continue to develop this part of the website welcome suggestions from members of the WCA - please send us any by clicking on the button below.
Decarbonising Transport Outside Cities
In discussions about transport and decarbonisation, there is a strongly expressed view from some quarters that while it might be possible to decarbonise transport in cities, outside these there is no alternative to cars for any of the journeys people make and that any attempts to reduce car use outside cities are unrealistic.
Click Here to read more
Local authorities must take an active role to encourage e-scooters
Local policy and strategy is essential to maximise the benefits of e-scooters, according to a new report published by the low emission vehicle research and consultancy group, Cenex.
In the UK, 58% of car journeys are less than 5 miles long. According to Cenex, using e-scooters for the last and first mile of a journey could reduce CO2 emissions by between 66-90% and also significantly reduce air pollution. However, without appropriate implementation, management and regulation, e-scooters can disrupt the transport network and the city as a whole in a negative way.

Plantlife's guidance on Managing grassland and road verges.
There are nearly 313,500 miles of rural road in the UK. With verges running most of their length, it is the equivalent in area to our remaining lowland species rich grassland and represents a nationally significant resource of increasing importance to UK wildlife.
This publication complements safety considerations and focuses on those areas where there are no safety constraints restricting management. Its aim is to shift the balance so that species-rich habitat becomes the predominant asset across the network, so doubling the area of the UK’s species-rich grassland.
UK public 'supports green recovery from coronavirus crisis' - Guardian Article
People would be prepared to continue many of the lifestyle changes enforced by the coronavirus lockdown to help tackle the climate emergency, and the government would have broad support for a green economic recovery from the crisis, according to a report.
Working from home is a popular option, along with changes to how people travel, and the government should take the opportunity to rethink investment in infrastructure and support low-carbon industries, the report found.
Here is the link to this insightful article in The Guardian
Review of the Highway Code - Have Your Say!
The government is currently reviewing the highway code to improve road safety for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders. They are in consultation period currently and have an online survey that you are able to complete.
New higher standards for cycling infrastructure design is being developed, the document can be viewed here.