Topic Groups
Topic Groups
As the WCA membership has grown quickly it has become apparent that we have so many people who are interested and knowledgeable about a wide variety of issues such as energy production, transport and the way land is used. In order to provide members with the space to be able to work together on their chosen topic we are now creating a number of working groups. As the WCA continues to grow, we can easily create further subject groups that will bring people together from across Wiltshire. If you don't see a topic group listed below that you would like to start up, just let us know and we will try to help.
The purpose of the working groups is a follows:
A “go to” point for information on the areas being developed.
To focus to debate, learn and act on specific actions agreed by the group.
Provide guidance and support for other groups in the County in the subject areas.
Provide support and challenge to target organisations, including Wiltshire Council and their Climate Task Group.
To co-ordinate pressure on target organisations to act on specific topics through raising awareness, positive engagement and challenge.
In order to help us organise the various topic groups it would be very helpful if you could complete the questionnaire on the link:

Influencing business and authorities
Getting more people involved
Click HERE for more information
Planning for homes
Planning for infrastructure
Impact of building on the environment & climate
Click HERE for more information
Article writing for Wiltshire Times
Blog writing
Other press activities
Click HERE for more information