Archived Events and Campaigns

Spread the word about Veganuary and help take the pressure off our land!
The Veganuary project helps people find lots of nutritious plant-based meal ideas that are good for health and the planet. It helps take the pressure off intensive livestock farming. which has a very high land footprint, and allows farmers and horticulturalists to grow more of the vegetables and fruit we need in this country to be more self-sufficient in a way that does not wreck our ecosystems (ie less intensive use of pesticides and fertilisers).

Seize the Day!
Regular headliners in Glastonbury Festival's Green Fields, the band Seize the Day grew out of the roads protest movement of the 1990s to become firm favourites of environmental and peace campaigners across Britain and beyond. Whether performing at climate summits from Copenhagen to Seattle and Glasgow to Paris, at gigs, festivals and green events, or on countless marches, demonstrations and direct actions, their music has uplifted and inspired a generation of fans and activists.
Plus Ribble, an excellent folk duet who have kindly agreed to perform.
Superb locally sourced vegan and vegetarian hot food will be available and a bar!
This event not to be missed!
The money raised from this gig will help drive our activities in 2023.
Click HERE to book a ticket
Salisbury Transition City
People in the Park 2022!
POSTPONED to 20-May-2023 (from Sat 17-Sep-22) 10am-4pm FREE ENTRY
Queen Elizabeth Gardens, Cranebridge Road, Salisbury SP2 7TD
Community event with live music to celebrate local businesses, charities, organisations and crafts people, all powered by renewable energy!
More info and registration for updates and a reminder here
Please share on Facebook, Instagram, or your favourite social media
and download poster (pdf) to print
Colerne Parish Council and Wild Colerne
Colerne Green Week
Sat 24-Sep - Sun 2 Oct 2022
Saturday 24th September
• Litterpick 10:00am, The Old School, Vicarage Lane - cafe open for
refreshments. Children’s toys and books swap.
Sunday 25th September
• Migration Birdwatch 9:00 - 11:00am, from Church gates.
Tuesday 27th September
• Bat walk 6:45pm, from Church gates.
Wednesday 28th September
• Tree walk 9:30am, from Church gates.
• Colerne CLT 7:30pm, Village Hall. Annual meeting with talk “How
does passivhaus work and how might we use those principles in our
own home extensions and conversions.?”
Thursday 29th September
• Nature in Colerne - How can we help it thrive? Wiltshire
Wildlife Trust, Josh Rogers. 7:30pm, Colerne Village Hall, (PC
funded educational talk and community discussion).
Saturday 1st October
• Retrofit fair 10:00am - 4:00pm, Colerne Village Hall. Making your
home work with less energy, with advice on self-help and professional
retrofitting your home and energy options for all types of housing.
• Talking Climate Justice 6:00 - 8:00pm, Colerne Parish Church
Sunday 2nd October
• Natural Environment Day- 10:30am -
3:30pm - Market Place and Frank’s Wood,
- Stalls, apple press and activities for all the family - try an electric bike.
Email: for information
Calne Without Parish Council
Energy Saving and Nature Day
Sat 3-Sep-22 10am-2pm FREE ENTRY
The Lansdowne Hall, Petty Lane, Derry Hill, SN11 9QY
contact: 07730 409029
Get involved with projects in our area helping to improve the countryside with organisations including:
No need for tickets, but you can register for updates and a reminder here
Please share on Facebook or your favourite social media
and download poster (pdf) to print
Retrofit Fair - Sherston Village Hall - 30th April 10am to 3pm

LEAF Presents - Being Greener - Fun Open Day for The Whole family
Saturday 9th April 2022 - 10am to 4pm - Langford Lakes

Click HERE for more information

Join the demonstration - 0930 - Tuesday 19th October 21 - Trowbridge Civic Centre.
Wiltshire Councillors need to understand that urgent action needs to be taken now to tackle Climate Change. The WCA is encouraging all members to join a demonstration that is taking place between 0930 and 12.00 outside Trowbridge Civic Centre.
Click HERE for more details
COP 26 talk hosted by Transcoco
Join us at the Pound in Corsham at 7pm on 24th November to discuss COP26 and what it means for us. Tickets are free, but please pre-book via the Pound as seats are limited.

Danny Kruger MP to host Wiltshire Climate Summit - 19th Feb 11.00 to 4pm
Danny Kruger one of Wiltshire's MPs is hosting to Climate Summit which should be very interesting and will include contribution from the former Covid-26 President Claire Perry..
It would be great to see this event being supported by many WCA members so that MPs across Wiltshire understand the strength of feeling that we have about the climate emergency.
Click HERE for more details and register for the meeting

Election Debate for Party Leaders - Thursday 15th April - 7PM
We would like to invite you to an online election debate where Party leaders will be given the opportunity to explain what the climate emergency means to them and what action they plan to take.
Click HERE for more information and to register for the Debate
The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill calls for:
the UK to make and enact a serious plan. This means dealing with our real fair share of emissions so that we don’t go over critical global rises in temperature
our entire carbon footprint be taken into account (in the UK and overseas)
the protection and conservation of nature here and overseas along supply chains, recognising the damage we cause through the goods we consume
those in power not to depend on technology to save the day, which is used as an excuse to carry on polluting as usual
ordinary people to have a real say on the way forward in a citizens’ assembly with bite.

Local Electricity Bill - Write to your MP!
The Problem: The potential for community renewable energy to benefit local economies is being blocked by unfair regulations and hugely disproportionate costs.
The Solution: Power for People have drafted the Local Electricity Bill and are campaigning for it to be made law. This would give community-scale renewable energy a massive boost by empowering communities to sell their energy directly to local people.
The Campaign: So far, Power for People have brought a cross-party group of 187 MPs on board in support. But they need many more and to achieve this they need your help.
For more information see their website HERE

Climate Change Committee - Series of talks - Path to Net Zero
Veterinary and Human Drugs, the Environment and Us - 29th March 2021
Drugs used in medical care and farming can have unintentional impacts for the environment, biodiversity and us - can we minimise the risks?
Helen Taylor has kindly agreed to chair this event and we are fortunate to have three expert speakers -
Suzi Shingler will talk about the use of antibiotics in farming, and problems of antibiotic resistance for people, which has been the main campaigning focus of the Save our Antibiotics Alliance. Suzi will also give us an introduction to their new campaign on the effect of antibiotics used in farming on the environment.
Ceri Mann, an entomologist, (see British Scarabs) will talk on reasons for the widespread loss of dung beetles and impacts for wildlife, such as birds and hedgehogs, and also the impacts on soil health and structure. Ceri will also introduce us to the National Recording Scheme for scarab beetles and British Scarabs.
Ruth Barden (Wessex Water - Director of Catchment & Environmental) will focus more on human drug pathways into the water environment and the project between a number of partners including Wessex Water, B&NES (Public Health & Environment teams), University of Bath and Natural England on Green Prescribing.
This talk will cover wider research undertaken in partnership with the University of Bath and the national Chemical Investigations Programme to understand the emerging contaminants of concern, pathways and potential control measures to minimise wider environmental impacts.
We hope the topic will be of widespread interest bringing together members of the general public with those with more specific interest including farmers, vets, doctors, pharmacists, councillors, academics, students, and members of environmental organisations.
See full details and reserve a place through Eventbrite.

Screening of the film ‘2040’ on 25 March at 7pm - Hosted by Transition Corsham
Transition Corsham, in conjunction with Pound Arts, are doing an online screening of this powerful and uplifting film, about how the world can respond positively to the challenge of climate change and what the future could look like if we did. Click on the link below for more details and to book your ticket.

Green your business webinar - 18th March
Bath and West Community Energy are hosting this webinar focusing on the various schemes and grants available to businesses, in order to reduce their impact on the environment.
Do you know of, or work in, any businesses that might benefit from information on any of the following?
Green Business Grants
Rooftop Solar schemes
SME Construction Trade-specific opportunities
Sustainable transport support
Related schemes on surplus food & business support
If so, follow this LINK for the webinar details.

Local Plan Consultations - Practical advice for responding - 1pm 4th March 2021
It is so important to ensure that as many people as possible respond to the local plan consultations as they will set the future direction for Wiltshire. Responses need to be in by 5pm on 8th March.
Nick Murry will be hosting a special meeting to provide people with some guidance and advice. This is an open meeting. Click HERE to get the Zoom link
Sustainable Living Zoom Talks + Q&A's
Eva Rowe, a local sustainable blogger and 'old hat' at sustainable living, is running a series of zoom talks to share with us what she has learned over the last 5 years. The talks will be followed by a Q&A session.
Join us for a different topic every Tuesday @ 6pm.
12.01.21 - Sustainable Periods
19.01.21 - Saving Food Waste
26.01.21 - Sustainable Sex
02.02.21 - Going Plant Based
09.02.21 - Package Free Shopping
16.02.21 - Sustainable Fashion
23.02.21 - Plastic Free Bathroom Swaps
02.03.21 - Going Through Your Bin
To register to take part click here.
WCA Youth Meeting with WC Councillors Monday 22nd February at 5pm

The WCA Youth group is organising a conference with all the WC councillors due to be held on 22nd February 2021. All the councillors have been invited and some have so far agreed to attend. This will provide an opportunity for our younger member to let councillors know how important Climate Change is to them.
The meeting will be open to all members to view. Please do register on the following LINK

West of England mass transit project - A interesting webinar about Mass transit hosted by West of England Combined Authority - 25th Feb
Join us for an interactive, informal session with a focus on transport and:
Find out about mass transit
Discover its benefits for the region
Receive an update on our plans and progress
Give your early thoughts on what’s important for you.
Find out more here:
If you have any questions, please contact our team by emailing:
Book your place on this LINK

Zero Carbon - Why NOT Nuclear? - 25th Feb at 7PM
Speakers: Dr Andy Stirling and Dr Phil Johnstone
An opportunity to hear two key researchers from Sussex University speak about their evidence that nuclear power is obsolete in achieving zero-carbon, but exists now purely to underpin military use.
There will be plenty of opportunity for questions.
Save the date - Details to book HERE

Climate Change Rally - Trowbridge Civic Centre Tuesday 15th February 09.30 to 12.00
The next full Wiltshire Council meeting is being held on 15th February 202 and it is expected that the Climate Change Strategy will be discussed and voted up. This February will also mark the 3rd anniversary of Wiltshire Council acknowledging that there is a climate emergency. This is our opportunity to make sure the councillors know we care and that they need to consider the climate in every decision they make!
Click HERE for full details
Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy and consultation report going to Cabinet meeting on 1st February
Wiltshire Council's Cabinet will be considering the Climate Strategy on 1st February. HERE you will see the final version of the Strategy. This has been the result of a great deal of work by the Climate Team and we thank them sincerely for all their efforts.
HERE you can also see the results of the consultation. There are some very interesting results and we hope that this will give the councillors the encouragement they need to set challenging and effective targets to enable them to succeed in their aim to make Wiltshire Carbon Neutral by 2030.
We will be discussing this at our members meeting on Wed 2nd Feb and planning our climate rally on 15 Feb.

Wiltshire Climate Alliance - AGM
30th January 2021 at 11am
Our first ever WCA AGM meeting will be held on 30th January 2021 at 11.00 online. At the meeting we will be discussing;
Election of steering group.
Our groups and their future plans.
Detailed planning for 2nd anniversary of Wiltshire Council acknowledging a climate emergency.
Register for the meeting now using the button.

Food and social resilience:
Free Online lecture 21st October 6pm-7:15pm
A University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) online lecture
About this Event
Food supply and food security have been assumed as part of EU culture and economic membership over half a century. Brexit throws much into the air. Already, old themes have re-emerged, such as assuming others will feed the UK; accepting remarkable power over food supply being held by a handful of companies; wanting food to be plentiful yet cheap; normalising a low waged food system; accepting a massive toll from diet-related ill-health; and eating as though there are multiple planets.
The UK has form in ducking the importance of food policy until there is a crisis. This lecture urges more attention be given to food defence and social resilience. It is time to face home truths about food.
The lecture sets out to: (1) map current UK food security; (2) locate food as a social not just environmental problem; (3) highlight the human and societal dynamics with food systems; and (4) propose some radical but reasonable lines of policy development.
To apply for a ticket go to this link

Wiltshire Climate Alliance - Meeting for members
4th November 2020 - 7PM
Our next members meeting will be held on 4th November 2020 at 7pm online. We have yet to put together the agenda for the meeting but all the topic groups will provide an update. Its been a busy few weeks.
We are also in the process of putting plans together for a Workshop with Wiltshire Council (similar to the one we held on 14th August) dedicated wholly to young people.
Do register for the meeting using the form below.
A very interesting event being organised by Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon taking place pn Tuesday 10th November at 7pm.
"We’re delighted that Dr Matthew Shepherd, Soil Biology Senior Specialist, Natural England, and our other speakers, Helen Taylor and Cate Le Grice Mack, have agreed to give online presentations to help us understand more about the essential role of living soils, as our previously planned live day event cannot take place this year, due to restrictions.
2020 has brought into sharp focus the vital role of a varied, well-balanced diet of healthy food, and the overwhelming importance of acting urgently to safeguard the environment, mitigate climate change and avert the ecological crisis. Healthy soils are a fundamental prerequisite for all of these."
To book a place and for more information please click on the LINK
JOB VACANCY - Avon Needs Trees
Avon Needs Trees is looking to hire a freelance project co-ordinator to work 21 hours per week to help us continue our conservation work across the Bristol-Avon catchment area.
We are entering a crucial, but very exciting time for our charity. With the purchase of Hazeland finally confirmed, volunteers and special interest groups eager to visit the site, and fundraising for our second land purchase at Seend just getting started, things are moving at a mile a minute.
We need someone who is well organised, dependable, and enthusiastic about our goals to help us continue the work we’ve started.
Read more here.
Don’t leave our woods and trees defenceless - Defend our woods and trees against cuts to planning protection - Register for the Webinar 15th Oct
Trees and the planning system
Defending our woods and trees against cuts to planning protection
The proposed changes to the planning system remove existing protections for woodlands and reduce our ability to speak up for trees and woods threatened by development.
With irreplaceable ancient woodland covering just 2.8% of England, we can’t afford to lose any more.
The planning system exists to help make better places to live. The changes offer us opportunities to drive high quality new tree planting to green our towns and cities. But we must start by protecting the trees we already have.
Join us for a webinar with Woodland Trust experts and representatives from communities who have used the planning system to save their local woods. We’ll explore:
what the proposed reforms look like
how they will impact woods, trees and our ability to speak up for them
what you can do to help.
Thursday 15 October at 12pm - the session will last approximately one hour with an opportunity for questions.
This is a free event but booking is essential as places are limited.
Register for the meeting HERE
As a partnership between Next Generation and Community Energy England, the Innovation Lab webinar series features innovative business models currently being explored within the energy sector.
The webinars will include a short presentation followed by an interview and a Q&A session. If you would like to submit a question for the Q&A session beforehand please email
In this month's installment we will be hearing from Low Carbon Hub about project LEO.
You can register for this webinar HERE.
The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill calls for:
the UK to make and enact a serious plan. This means dealing with our real fair share of emissions so that we don’t go over critical global rises in temperature
our entire carbon footprint be taken into account (in the UK and overseas)
the protection and conservation of nature here and overseas along supply chains, recognising the damage we cause through the goods we consume
those in power not to depend on technology to save the day, which is used as an excuse to carry on polluting as usual
ordinary people to have a real say on the way forward in a citizens’ assembly with bite.
Maintaining Momentum in Climate Change Leadership: Networking and energizing Conference Hub bringing together policy makers, academics, campaigners, writers & scientists.
Join for a day of (virtual) panels, discussions, and exhibition stands bringing together a variety of climate change actors, as we work together to ensure that climate stays top of everyone’s agenda amid a postponed COP26!
With the need for immediate climate action stronger than ever, the GEF are bringing together actors from civil society, politics, activism, and academia to determine what climate leadership looks like in 2020 and what strategies, messages, and objectives will propel us forward.
Get tickets by clicking HERE.

Wiltshire Council Meetings for October
There are 2 significant Council meetings in the next 2 weeks.
Cabinet meeting, 13th October at 10:00. Online
The full agenda is HERE, but the main subjects are for road schemes, Melksham bypass and the Housing Infrastructure Fund in Chippenham.
Sadly, there is no mention of the Climate Task Group's (CTG) report and recommendations to Cabinet Members.
Unfortunately it's too late to ask a question, but you can make a statement. To attend or make a statement you need to register on the Council site HERE.
Full Council Meeting, 20th October at 10:30 Online
As yet, there is no agenda for this meeting, but as it is Full Council, the CTG report should be a major item on the agenda.
Be aware that if you wish to ask questions, it is likely that they will need to be in to Council by 13/14th. That is NEXT WEEK, so no time to lose
To check the agenda and to submit your question go HERE
Quick guide
You can ask 2 questions, and each question can have 2 parts. You can also make a statement before the question. The whole should not be more than 3 minutes of speech.
It can be on or off the Agenda items and you should be asked if you want read yours immediately before the relevant item.
If you can spare the time (Full Council is a very long day) ask to read before the item as it has more impact.
It would be helpful if you could send a copy of to us.
If you need help, email us HERE.
Grandpas Against Climate Change - Letters to MP's
Introductory Letter - This letter reflects the views of 120 grandparents who share serious concerns about the future for their 245 grandchildren.
We are sending this on behalf of grandparents who are extremely concerned by the accelerating rate of climate change, which politicians and statesmen have failed to deal with over our lifetime and which, without urgent action, will severely blight the future of our grandchildren and yours.
Read the full letter here.
Carbon Dioxide emissions have been increasing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. In the early ‘90s, countries began to come together to develop a strategy to control and reduce the emissions of CO2 and other Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Read the full letter here.
Even before our parents were born, scientists understood the Greenhouse Effect and the impact that increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) could have on the planet’s climate.
Now that we are able to look back at historic levels of atmospheric CO2 we see that over the past 800,000 years it fluctuated through the ice ages from about 180-280 parts per million (ppm). As the Industrial Revolution started in 1750 it stood at 280 ppm.
Read the full letter here.
Sixty years ago, when many of us were less than ten years old, there were clear early warning signals from scientists of the danger in burning fossil fuels and predictions of where this would lead.
In 1958 Frank Capra made a film called ‘The Unchained Goddess’ which was shown on American TV and explains what weather is, and how it works and the risk of man-made climate change.
Read the full letter here.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have been increasing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and emissions have accelerated over the past thirty years. We now have an understanding of atmospheric CO2 levels going back over 800,000 years and through several ice ages.
Read the full letter here.
The Greenhouse Effect, climate change and global warming were not in the curriculum when we were at school. We now all use the term Greenhouse Effect to explain why the planet is getting warmer although it is a bit more complicated than the simple greenhouse analogy. The basic physics of the ‘Greenhouse Effect’, which explains how more CO2 in the atmosphere leads to warming, has been known since the mid-nineteenth century
Read the full letter here.
The Greenhouse Effect, climate change and global warming were not in the curriculum when we were at school. We now all use the term Greenhouse Effect to explain why the planet is getting warmer although it is a bit more complicated than the simple greenhouse analogy. The basic physics of the ‘Greenhouse Effect’, which explains how more CO2 in the atmosphere leads to warming, has been known since the mid-nineteenth century
Read the full letter here.
Over the past decade the Arctic has warmed by 0.75oC far more than the global average. The Albedo effect in relation to the melting ice caps is one of the climate change tipping points. As white snow and ice melt they no longer reflect sunlight back into space. As darker rocks and water are exposed, they absorb more of the sun’s energy causing more warming and more ice to melt, which results in greater exposure of darker surfaces which absorb more radiation etc.
Read the full letter here.
In tackling Climate Change over past 30 years, politicians and world leaders have failed to understand the problem and put in place measures to control global warming. After all the warnings though the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, global average temperatures have risen by over 1oC since 1880. Two thirds of this has occurred since 1975. Breaking of climate records has become the norm and now these are so frequent they fail to engender any great cause for alarm.
Read the full letter here.
Atmospheric CO2 can be reduced naturally by its uptake into vegetation and soils. Any process which removes GHGs from the atmosphere is known as a sink. Human activities impact on terrestrial sinks through land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). These can significantly alter the exchange of CO2 (carbon cycle) between the terrestrial biosphere system and the atmosphere. Globally LULUCF accounts for 6% of global emissions
Read the full letter here.
The sixth mass extinction, also called the Holocene extinction or the Anthropocene extinction, is an ongoing extinction event of species resulting from human activity. Definitions of the period when man’s activities have resulted in the extinction of other species vary, with some going back 200,000 years when man evolved, some to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, and others to as recently as the mid 20th century. These extinctions cover numerous families of plants and animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and arthropods.
Read the full letter here.
Letters to Power - Your creative response to the emergency!
Letters to the Earth and Culture Declares Emergency invite you to write your Letter to Power for September Rebellion 2020.
We are experiencing multiple emergencies.
Pandemic, the loss of lives and livelihoods, systemic racism, soaring inequalities, the closure of community spaces, the erosion of trust with those who hold power, increasing global temperatures and the alarming rate of species extinction.
Our economic and political systems are still prioritising profit over people and planet. Yet these systems have never been as exposed or vulnerable as they are now.
We need to raise our voices and hold to account those whose power, influence and decisions are determining the course of our lives. The health of our communities and our planet depend on it.

Local Electricity Bill - Write to your MP!
The Problem: The potential for community renewable energy to benefit local economies is being blocked by unfair regulations and hugely disproportionate costs.
The Solution: Power for People have drafted the Local Electricity Bill and are campaigning for it to be made law. This would give community-scale renewable energy a massive boost by empowering communities to sell their energy directly to local people.
The Campaign: So far, Power for People have brought a cross-party group of 187 MPs on board in support. But they need many more and to achieve this they need your help.
For more information see their website HERE
How can good food and farming lead an economic recovery?
​Wednesday, 9 December 2020 at 14:00
About this Event
Join The Alliance for better food and farming online Wednesday 9th December to discuss how good food and farming can lead a green economic recovery post Covid 19.
Bringing together farmers, food businesses, researchers, civil society groups and policy leaders from across these sectors, #Sustain2020 will explore how we can boost the economic recovery through sustainable food and farming. We'll also be joined by guest speakers Henry Dimbleby MBE, National Food Strategy lead and Victoria Prentis MP, Minister for Food, Farming and Fisheries.
For more information visit their facebook page HERE
On 19th November B&NES Council are holding a webinar with three local residents who have each made energy efficiency or carbon cutting improvements to their homes.
When the Council declared a Climate emergency in March 2019, it committed to provide the leadership to enable Bath & NE Somerset to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The first phase of research that identified immediate priorities for action in the district recommended the energy efficiency improvement of the majority of existing buildings to be undertaken, together with zero carbon new-build.
Cllr Dine Romero, Leader of the Council will be discussing this challenge on 19th November with three residents of Bath and North East Somerset, who have each made energy efficiency or carbon cutting improvements to their homes: More info and registration details can be found HERE
Letters to Power - Your creative response to the emergency!
Letters to the Earth and Culture Declares Emergency invite you to write your Letter to Power for September Rebellion 2020.
We are experiencing multiple emergencies.
Pandemic, the loss of lives and livelihoods, systemic racism, soaring inequalities, the closure of community spaces, the erosion of trust with those who hold power, increasing global temperatures and the alarming rate of species extinction.
Our economic and political systems are still prioritising profit over people and planet. Yet these systems have never been as exposed or vulnerable as they are now.
We need to raise our voices and hold to account those whose power, influence and decisions are determining the course of our lives. The health of our communities and our planet depend on it.
A very interesting event being organised by Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon taking place pn Tuesday 10th November at 7pm.
"We’re delighted that Dr Matthew Shepherd, Soil Biology Senior Specialist, Natural England, and our other speakers, Helen Taylor and Cate Le Grice Mack, have agreed to give online presentations to help us understand more about the essential role of living soils, as our previously planned live day event cannot take place this year, due to restrictions.
2020 has brought into sharp focus the vital role of a varied, well-balanced diet of healthy food, and the overwhelming importance of acting urgently to safeguard the environment, mitigate climate change and avert the ecological crisis. Healthy soils are a fundamental prerequisite for all of these."
To book a place and for more information please click on the LINK

Wind Power for our Communities - 3rd February from 7pm
This BWCE webinar will focus on the role of community owned wind energy in helping us meet our climate change commitments.
Join the 100 people who have already signed up to our webinar focusing on the role of community owned wind energy in the BWCE area.
Speakers from Regen, B&NES Council and BWCE.
Details & Booking at the EVENTBRITE PAGE.

Cut Carbon Not Forests - An event hosted by Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon and Biofuelwatch - 18th January 7.30 pm
Did you know that UK power stations currently receive over £1 billion in UK renewable subsidies to burn trees as biomass energy? But is burning trees in power stations really renewable energy and what impact is the UK biomass industry having on forests around the world?
To find out more, please join @biofuelwatch and Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon for an online screening of the award-winning documentary "Burned: are trees the new coal?" with special guest speakers.
Free tickets:
The film explores the biomass industry in the Southern USA, and how Drax Power Station in Yorkshire is a major player in tree burning across the world.
Find out more:
We'll also have time for a discussion about how we can take action to protect forests.
Maintaining Momentum in Climate Change Leadership: Networking and energizing Conference Hub bringing together policy makers, academics, campaigners, writers & scientists.
Join for a day of (virtual) panels, discussions, and exhibition stands bringing together a variety of climate change actors, as we work together to ensure that climate stays top of everyone’s agenda amid a postponed COP26!
With the need for immediate climate action stronger than ever, the GEF are bringing together actors from civil society, politics, activism, and academia to determine what climate leadership looks like in 2020 and what strategies, messages, and objectives will propel us forward.
Get tickets by clicking HERE.
Oxford Real Farming Programme - 7-13th January 2021
Want to know what the farming world is doing about climate. Visit this conference in the New Year to see!
To see what is on the programme and book tickets click here.

Great Big Green Week, mid September - add an event!
The Climate Coalition is encouraging groups around the country to organize events in Great Big Green Week to connect every community with the climate and nature emergencies in the run up to COP26.
The national map shows several events in West Wiltshire but there are probably already more being organised. Are there events in September your local group could add to the map, or could you create something? It could be really simple like a coffee morning, street stall or online meeting or film showing, or you could engage with an event already happening and give it a bit of an eco theme! Maybe invite your MP, councillors or other influencers to get involved?
See our WCA COP26 page for more information, and feel free to contact us to help organize and promote.

Local plan Consultation - Advice session 1pm 4th March
Zoom Link
It is so important to ensure that as many people respond to Wiltshire Councils local plan consultations as they will set the future direction for Wiltshire. Responses need to be in by 5pm on 8th March.
Nick Murry will be hosting a special meeting to provide people with some guidance and advice.
Meeting ID: 885 7723 6547
Passcode: 494917