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Come and Join Us!

We need you!

The WCA started out in February 2020 with the aim of doing everything we could to make Wiltshire carbon neutral as soon as possible. The more people that join us, the louder our voices will be and the greater our chances of bringing about significant change. Within our first year we saw membership grow from 30 to 300 individual members and we have brought together over 30 community groups from across Wiltshire. 


So.. what can you do to help. Here is a listing of what you can do:

Become a member of WCA


We are a friendly bunch and would love to welcome you. The bigger our number, the more people will understand that Climate Change IS important to us all and we can't be ignored. Please do join and become a member. Its free and very quick - just click on the button above and complete the form which takes just a few seconds. If you are part of a community group or association and would like to join the list groups that share our aims click the 'join as association' box.

Volunteer to help


We all have different skills and there are so many ways in which people can become involved and help the cause. Whether you would like to help organise events, can take notes of meeting, want to write articles, help with social media, fundraise, know a lot about a particular subject etc there is a way you can help. 


Click HERE to find more details about volunteering roles

Join one of our topic groups


We know that our members have different areas of interest - So you may find Energy Generation fascinating whilst talking about Transport may be your thing. We have created a number of interest groups to enable members to learn about a particular subject and also be able to share their knowledge. These topic groups are quickly becoming an excellent source of knowledge so that we can effectively challenge decisions that damage the environment. 


Click HERE to see the list of topic that are open to members. Some groups meet about once per month, others are more ad-hoc. Email for more information.

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