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Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy Consultation Toolkit

Wiltshire Council are giving residents, businesses and local groups in the county the chance to respond and comment on their Draft Climate Strategy, launched on 1st September.  We will be using the combined expertise of WCA members to scrutinise the report to give a considered and complete response to the Draft Climate Strategy. 


We would also like to encourage all members to send in their own response to Wiltshire Council.  This is a great opportunity to help towards forming a robust and effective strategy for the county to implement.


Below you will find all the information required to make your response, all in one place! If you have any questions, please get in touch via email.


WC Strategy.PNG


The Wiltshire Council Draft Climate Strategy Document

You will find everything needed on the Wiltshire Council website but to save you some time we have some of the important information below.



From Wednesday 1st September to midnight on Sunday 17th October, people can comment on the draft strategy, which covers seven themes; Transport, Built Environment, Waste, Green Economy, Energy Generation, Storage & Distribution, Natural Environment, Food & Farming and Carbon Neutral Council.


During the consultation period, there will be a series of online and in-person events where you will have the opportunity to ask questions, CLICK HERE to go to the timeline of events.

Council Strategy Document


WCA Response to the Draft Climate Strategy

During the consultation period WCA members and member groups will be looking closely at the Draft Climate Strategy Document, using the knowledge and expertise of our members, we will form a constructive response which we hope will feed into the final version of the Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy.


There will be the opportunity to get involved with the WCA response at several points over the coming weeks, make sure you are signed up to our Member Meetings as these will be focused on the contents of the Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy.





​On 8th September we held an extraordinary members meeting to discuss with our members the contents of the Draft Climate Strategy.  If you missed this meeting, you can watch again on our YouTube channel by clicking the video below.

WCA Members Meeting - 08/09/2021

​Some main points that came out of this meeting were;

  • Encourage as many people as possible to respond to the consultation for the greatest impact.

  • Respond in a positive manner as the document does set out good objectives.  The last thing we want is for the strategy to get scrapped and we go back to square 1!

  • Greater sense of urgency required, we need to be taking action now.

  • Put forward meaningful recommendations for actions that we think should be taken.

  • Strategy needs to contain SMART objectives.

WCA Response


How to Respond & Have Your Say

We are urging all Wiltshire residents, businesses and groups to take part in the Climate Strategy Consultation.  This can be done by completing the Survey on the Wiltshire Council website.  The more responses to this, the better!

If you would like some guidance on how best to respond to the survey then watch the recording of our Members Meeting on 8th September. WCA has also developed a model response document that includes some hints and tips on how to respond.  To download the model response document, click the button below.

During the series of online webinars, Wiltshire Council has answered Wiltshire residents questions.  All questions and answers can be viewed on their website by clicking on this link.


You can also read the WCA responses here:

How to Respond


Timeline, Events & Dates

During the consultation period (1st September - 17th October) there will be a several opportunities to attend online and in person meetings.  We have listed all dates below including WCA events and meetings which will be focused on the Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy.


Below you will find the timeline of all WC & WCA events which are to do with the Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us at

Dates for the Diary!


Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy Launch


WCA All Members Meeting @7pm - Register using this link


Wilts Council Engagement Webinar @6pm - Register using this link


Salisbury Library Drop In Session @10am-12pm


First WC Engagement Webinar @10.30am - Register using this link


WCA Energy Topic Group Meeting @7pm - Register using this link


Devizes Library Drop In Session @10am-12pm


Chippenham Library Drop In Session @10am-12pm


Second WC Engagement Webinar @7pm - Register using this link


WCA All Members Meeting @7pm - Register using this link


Trowbridge Library Drop In Session @10am-12pm


Wiltshire Council Climate Strategy Consultation End

Timeline, Events & Dates


Sign the Petition!

To encourage Wiltshire Council to act faster in light of the Climate & Ecological Emergency, we have created a petition on  You will need to click the link in the confirmation email once signing or else your signature won't count.  Please take the time to do so...  If we reach 5,000 signatures, this will have to be debated at a Council Meeting.

Here are documents you can download and print to use at your upcoming events to help us gather signatures to the petition...

Petition Wording:

"We the undersigned petition the council to Immediately make carbon reduction the top priority in every council policy, plan and decision, and agree, by end 2021, comprehensive carbon reduction actions with annual targets, to deliver a carbon neutral county by 2030.


We welcome the commitment in the draft Climate Strategy to net zero for Wiltshire by 2030 but deplore the lack of any delivery plans. It is now 2½ years since Wiltshire Council acknowledged a climate emergency. No meaningful action has yet been taken to reduce countywide emissions, and there are now only 8 years left to achieve the goal of 2030 net zero. We have seen from the Council’s, business and public responses to the pandemic what can be achieved when we all work together. As Wiltshire citizens we are ready to play our part but we cannot do it alone. It’s time for Wiltshire Council to show leadership with a proper countywide plan to tackle the climate crisis that we can all get behind."



We have produced a leaflet which has been printed and hard copies can be obtained from Bill, send him an email at or call him on 07818414842.


You can also download a PDF version HERE.

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